Tag Archives: hearts

Ahhh….The Amazing Fragrance of Lilacs

Lilacs on my birthday  have been a tradition as long as I can remember and no birthday seems complete without them.  Yesterday was no exception.

My precious Mom was concerned that the lilacs would be finished by the time I get back to Canada towards the end of this month.  Bless her resourcefulness, as she took her iPad out to my favourite dark purple lilac tree and took some pictures to ensure I would enjoy their beauty on my day.


Ron managed to find a fresh lilac bouquet at the Bridgehampton Farmers’ Market on Friday: their exquisite fragrance fills my heart with memories.


One of my favourite memories is of a card I received on my 50th birthday from my dear friend, Bettina. She had traveled to Italy with me to celebrate this milestone and she made the time there incredibly special. Outside our villa in San Gimignano was an archway of the most beautifully scented jasmine, of which Bettina picked a bouquet and had waiting for me when I awoke on my birthday. No lilacs that year, but the jasmine was an elegant substitute.


Everything Bettina did was very special and appreciated, but the card she found and gifted me could not have been more perfect. She purchased the card years before and remembered to pull it out of her stash before we left Calgary. It was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me and I’ll never forget its significance. Here are the words from that special card:

On the porch,

Many years from now…


You will sit on the swing

I will sit on the chair,

And the fragrance of lilacs

Will hang in the air


I will tell you a story

I’ve told you before,

We will laugh (like the last time)

And tell a few more


Then perhaps we will say it,

And perhaps we will not,

But both of our old hearts

Will be thinking this thought


That it’s good to be known,

And it’s good to be there,

Where the fragrance of lilacs

Hangs in the air


Ahhh…the amazing fragrance of lilacs.

How Tequila is Made

Tequila is made from distilled sap from the hearts or “pinas” of the agave or maguey plant. Once harvested, the heart is cut into four or five pieces and then baked or steamed in a huge above-ground oven or autoclave for hours to obtain softness and sweetness.

The cooked agave is transported to the mill (similar to sugar cane mills) where the juice is extracted several times from the agave fibers. The agave juice is then pumped from the mill into special fermentation tanks where yeast is added to react with the juice to produce an alcoholic mixture.

The final product of fermentation then goes to distilling tanks to separate water from the tequila. Tequila is double distilled and a few brands even boast triple distillation. Distilling has a dual purpose: separate water from the alcohol, and separate any toxic substances and impurities from the final product. After this process, tequila is treated in different ways to obtain several varieties.